„Gemeinsam: Grenzen überwinden – Strukturen wandeln – Wissen schaffen“ unter diesem Motto geht der Verbund „Region AachenPLUS“ die nächsten Schritte…
The focus of this website is on international and national regulations, codes and standards (RCS) for hydrogen and fuel cell technology in the field of mobility.
Do you need an overview of which RCS to consider in the field of hydrogen and fuel cell technology? Apply for access to our database.
RCS stands for Regulations, Codes and Standards. Here you can learn more about what stands behind the topic and what influences they have on technologies, innovations and markets
The aim of standardization is the planned unification of material and immaterial objects carried out jointly by interest groups for the benefit of the general public.
Globally unified standards and regulations accelerate time to market and provide consumers with standardized products that are safe, affordable, and easy to use.
The RCS topic is seen by many stakeholders as the most important requirement for the global commercialization of hydrogen as a fuel and of fuel cell applications.. The purpose is on the one hand to standardize technical specifications and on the other hand to define safety requirements with regard to the end user.
News, publications and event information about RCS in the field of hydrogen and fuel cell technology
The RCS website is a project of NOW GmbH